Mobile Testing: Our mobile unit is equipped to test up to six employees at once, each at independent test stations. All equipment is computer-controlled which assures accuracy and objectivity while allowing each employee the flexibility to be tested at his/her own rate. Manual tests can easily be performed for individuals with hearing issues or if they are apprehensive during the test.
Portable In-House Testing: A common misconception is that onsite hearing testing must be conducted inside a mobile vehicle. This is not the case and is not required by OSHA. For many companies, the option to conduct testing inside their own facility is preferable due to efficiency, convenience and cost savings. Portable hearing tests are conducted inside your facility using portable test equipment. With Portable In-house Testing, we can test up to four employees at once. Before proceeding, we will need to measure the decibel levels at your facility in the testing room to assure OSHA compliance. Most conference rooms, offices, and training rooms work well.
Follow-up Hearing Testing
Follow-up testing (after the annual test) is strongly recommended by OSHA for employees with a Standard Threshold Shift (STS) or whose hearing suggests the presence of a medical pathology of the ear. This testing is in the company’s best interest as it nearly always reduces the total number of STSs and the number of Recordable STSs. Because our follow-up hearing assessment is more comprehensive than the annual test, our audiologists can determine if the outer or middle ear is involved and ear pathology is suspected. When this is the case, the hearing loss can be categorized as not work related and/or due to a medical condition. A referral for a medical evaluation can then be made. Follow-up testing is available at your facility or in our office located in Oak Park.
Most mobile testing firms do not offer follow-up testing. CAA The Hearing Place is proud to provide this service to our clients.
Data Analysis and Record Keeping
Accurate, complete record keeping is essential for creating a defense posture for the client. All test data, medical histories, training documentation and pertinent client/employee information is electronically stored for current and future use.
All reports, employee letters and follow-up testing results are sent to the client electronically.